Although Pvc doors are low maintenance, the locks do suffer with high faliure rates. Many times the locks will malfunction in the locked postion, leaving the door locked. In this situation a locksmith is required to open the door without any damage! and rectify the problem. Sometimes this can be as simple as a replacement door cylinder and other times the complete strip may need to be replaced. We provide an on site service for such events. Where a replacement strip is required, we always give a 1 year warrenty and also offer the customer should they require it, an upgrade for the door cylinder, thus helping to keep inline with new insurance regulations.
Due to an increase in break-ins locally, by means of attacking the door cylinder, we now stock a full range of break secure British Standard kite marked cylinders. These are designed to resist this type of attack and prevent entry when the cylinder has been broken. We stock these cylinders on two Mul-T-Lock systems.
To find out more go back to the link, services / products and select Break Secure