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Car Crime Prevention

Top tips to reduce vehicle crime!

1. Don´t leave a vehicle running unattended, especially on cold winter mornings, as you risk your car being stolen, or your keys being locked in the vehicle. This action also breaks the highway code and may result in a fine!

2. Remove your keys from view, when you are not using the vehicle, as many thefts may result from a walk in burglary.

3. Remove the car document pack from the vehicle, and store this in a safe place at home ie. a small safe. The vehicle pack may contain information vital to the security of your vehicle!

4. Cover the last 6 digits of your vehicle chassis number, if it is dispalyed in the front windscreen of your vehicle. A thief may be able to use this information to get hold of a key. 

5. After you purchase a new vehicle, get the vehicle keys reprogrammed, and any missing keys deleted from the immobiliser system.

Be aware many keys can be cloned, so the above measure may not be 100% and only a new lockset will defeat this type of theft.

6. Remove all items of value from view in your vehicle, as theft from a vehicle is increased.

7. Only use reputable businesses to ensure your cars safety and security.


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